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Why is it so hard to break the ice?

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July 23, 2010
Posts: 144

PostPosted:     Post subject: Why is it so hard to break the ice?
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Why must it always start out the same way? When I am holding a conversation rather it been for the first time, or riight after the first time. I find that after the basic how you doing?, or nice weather, it a struggle to continue commucating . Most people see this and they somehow help me out by saying something to keep our chatting going. Which make it a whole lot better for me. When I do how ever get stuck it seen as if time stand still, I find my self avoiding having a converstion for the first time , by taking a person in whom I am firmillar with and whom I know to be talkive and let it work like that until i feel warm enought to carry on alone. I still find myself going thought this after all this time so hard breaking the ice.

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February 5, 2012
Posts: 48

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`It's good that you sense such things. You got the basics right. There might be that person who you are speaking with is actually also freaked out Probe more the surface, throw in new topics or continue without waiting for her reply.
It's kind of wierd but there are chicks who get stuck in conversation as easily as yourself.
I have had girlfriend who was quiet, smart and understood everything what was going on or how other person felt (girls thing). We were in the forest just walking and found grass-area. I wanted to talk to just keep conversation up and she told: "Sshhh, don't talk, enjoy the moment". And I was like: "O yeah!" and we both rest on the grass.

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